Monday, March 26, 2007

Desprate Midwives!

The Filipino midwives left us to look after the birth center for five days while they went on vacation. So we managed births and home decorating all at the same time. While they were away we cleaned, painted and restored the whole down stairs. This is the living quarters for the Philippians midwives. We also sleep and shower here when we are on call. Here are the before and after pictures from our home make over!

From an island half way around the world, inside a exciting birth center set in the hills of Antipolo Tickling Junction five midwives rise up ready for a change. They will stop at nothing. No labors , deliveries, soap scum or dead bugs will get in their way.

LINDSEY tackling the soap scum!
Painting (I want to make my Grandma Proud!)
SHARON Where do we begin???
BECKA AND MELINDA weapons of war!


Our Before and After Picture, not as cute as the room!

1 comment:

Kim said...

looks like the workover was "desperately" needed! good job girls! how are your arms feeling after all the scrubbing and painting? -K