Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mothers. I have witnessed the first meeting of a mom and her new born babe. I once believed that I knew a mother's love and loved my mom the same. But now I know how could this be. She was right when she told me you have to be a mother before you can truly see. Although still a young girl I tried to convince her, as I truly believed, that I loved her just as much as she loves me. As I grow older I begin to understand, but still do not know if I can even comprehend the kind of love my mother has given to me. Mom. So amazing, so giving. If only my tear filled eyes could get the words on this page. How much I wish to show. How grateful I am, she prays for me. How amazing my mom is. Knowing it is her love that helped me to be the person I am today. You are more then a super hero, you are real to me. Even the realization that she stops all she is doing to talk to me brings me to my knees. How can one person love so much, give so much without thinking twice? I can barley handle this unconditional love. It is so much. What can I give in return to someone who gives of their whole self so freely? So with a thankful heart,
I love you Mom.


middie said...

hey i am so emotional sometimes when i think about mothers and what they go thru for us kids, i like your blog. I hope you still want lots of kids...what was it 4 and then adopt some? I think you would be an amazing mum yourself...

Kim said...

i love that we are getting insight into motherhood! it's beautiful, maybe i do want kids after all! haha! -K