Friday, April 6, 2007

You Turn My World Upside Down!

It has been a fun few days at the birth center so here is a little update of some of the highlights!

Catch Just On Time
On Wednesday I had the day off but was on call for my continuities and got the call at 6:30am that my patient had come in and was already full dilated. (For a continuity we have to do the patient's prenatal visits, labor and delivery, newborn exam and postpartum visits so a lot of work goes into getting them and it is upsetting when you cannot make the birth or if they get transported.) It was her third birth so I knew the pushing phase would be short. I jumped out of bed and grabbed a taxi for the 45 minute commute. I felt cool telling the driver I was an on call midwife and in a big hurry! I was stuck in traffic about 3/4 of the way there when I got the call to not worry about coming in the baby was going to be out soon. With two 15+ hour births on my last shift I already knew God has been teaching me a lot about patients. So I sat in the taxi and became content with the fact that this is out of my hands and in God's. I decided to go into work anyway just to say hi and congratulations. When I walk into delivery room 2 I could hear the sound of the doppler taking fetal heart tones which means the baby was not out yet. It was still crowning and I made it just in time to catch. Maybe I am not the only one learning not to rush in life, because I think the baby was waiting for me!

9.5 Pound'r and I not talking about fishing!
Sharon caught this baby boy weighing 9lbs 8 ounces for Filipinos that is definitely the catch of the day.

We had our first breech birth. It was so amazing to see a natural birth of a breech baby, some midwives never get this opportunity because they transport to hospitals if the baby is breech. A perfectly happy, healthy baby was born a little upside down. As you can see from the picture he still was not used to all the freedom his legs had found!

Precious Family
This family was so beautiful and I am thankful that I got to be apart of it for these special moments. The kids both rubbed their moms back during labor and waited with great excitement for the baby to come out. We watched Happy Feet to pass some time during the long labor. The three year old boy thinks his new little sister is very beautiful. The eleven year old girl stayed close to Lindsey and me for the rest of the night.

On My Mind & Heart
I did find some down time to read and dream about Nigeria as God increased my love for the country.

1 comment:

(Ali) said...

thanks for the comment on my blog! i have never had a comment from someone
other then family! oh by the way i reely like the pic on your profile!