Saturday, July 21, 2007

Prayers For Penatals

At Shiphrah Birth Center we have three prenatal check up days a week with each day bring over 50 women to the clinic. The day starts at 8:30am with a Bible study then we move on to exercise, teachings and prenatal check ups. I usually see 8-12 women each day and this has become one of my greatest areas of ministry. I love getting to learn more about the women and see them as they go through the pregnancy. This is the time when I really get to meet the needs for those around me by doing more then buying their vitamines or few check ups. Many of the women come from the poorest of the poor. Some are living in homes for unwed mothers, we see many scared teenage girls as young as 15, and because our mission also runs a baby home next door we see women who have decided to give their babies up for adoption. Sometimes these issues seem so overwhelming to me and I am not sure how to relate to the women. So I pray. It is such a blessing to pray with them and for them. In a culture that is so focused on shaming someone who does something wrong, prayer to make them feel loved opens their hearts. I am seeing women and girls who's lives have come from such a different place then mine, but I have found a common ground in prayer and needing the love of God. I ask that you will join me in prayer for these strong and beautiful women.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

you girls look like pro's! i'm home, we have to chat soon!