Saturday, September 8, 2007


As busy as this month was, there was still babies being born and lots of them. I delivered the smallest baby in Shiphrah history weighing in at just under 4 pounds. It may seem shockingly small and she was, but the mother was small herself only weighing 72pounds at 40 weeks pregnant. At this time I have been to over 90 births and have been the primary midwive under supervision for 33. So that is lots and lots of babies and here are some pics, cute as always.


Kim said...

glad to finally catch up with you! i was beginning to fear you were lost to us forever!
glad your last month was busy, and good. can't believe you girls are done!
i miss you all. -K

Lindsey said...

holy smokes! you are the update queen! i love your prenatal wall! you're amazing!