Saturday, September 8, 2007

A week in Olongapo

In the middle of August we headed to Olongapo for a midwifery training course in how to be child birth educators. The training was offered through YWAM and it was so nice to be back with YWAM for that short time. The course was very refreshing and I once again realized my love for teaching which I hope to use in the future. Alex and I spent the week making big plans for all the crazy things we want to do in this life. We got some time and prayer to process through our time in the Philippines. It was a very encouraging time.

If only we could do it all, our hearts go out! Alex and I were so encouraged by all the YWAM base was doing we decided to stay an extra day and dedicate it to ministry. Because the old U.S. military base was in Olongapo there is a lot of prostitution and bar girls still in the area today. YWAM Olongapo offers a two year discipleship program for girls that want to get out of the bars. The give them a place to live and help them to find jobs or return to school. They have rescued girls as young as 14 out of the bars. Spending time with these girls changed my life and hearing there testimonies and love for God inspired me. One night Alex and I went out to the bars to just spend time with the girls and get to know some of them and let them know there is away out if they felt interested.

We played pool and I won both games, with much help from my partner so Alex and J had to crawl under the table. Sorry Alex! We got to talk with a girl that had only been working in the bars for 19 days. Her eyes filled with water as we asked her about her family? where she is from? and basic conversation. She had been sent by her family from a different island way down south to live with her "antie" which basically means her family sold her to a pimp. Although she said she was 20 she looked younger and you could tell she was scared with no one to care for her but another bar girl that was showing her the ropes. We are praying for her and hoping she contacts the YWAM base.

We also went to a home church service on 12th street which is the main squatter area in Olongapo. The base also has an amazing jail ministry. God has opened so many doors in Olongapo and they just need more staff to help out.

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