Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tis The Season!

If you drive by the house today you might wonder to yourself or passengers " With trees like that how do the Larson's keep their grass so green?" It is a one time a year event I like to call the stomp down! When we gather the leaves from all over the yard and load them into the pick up for a trip to the dump. As a permanent resident of 2257 mission trail this is the Second annual stomp down I have taken part in. I love fall and am going to be so sad when this carpet of leaves turns to snow.

This is why I call it the stomp down the leaves get so high you have to walk all over them like your making wine in the back of the pick up!


middie said...

is that a black ford pick-up belonging to one clay...hehe

Lindsey said...

beautiful pictures kayla!

middie said...

hey how's work...I want to hear all about it!