Thursday, November 15, 2007


OK Girls I do not want to create envy, but do want you to know I am so spoiled! And this is so blog worthy! Pretty much comes down to Clay being amazing here is a picture of the flowers he had delivered to my work today. They are so beautiful, but the card is what really got to me. It read "The beauty of these flowers are nothing like the beauty I see in you every day.--Clay Anderson" OK jealous yet? I hope not Cuz this is the third time he has brought me flowers at work and he got me diamond earrings (and took me hunting!) for my Birthday! More then this he is and is continues to become an amazing man of God. How is it that I have the Best of the Best?


Lindsey said...

so exciting kayla! they are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!

middie said...

okay, so yes, you are so lucky and also I think you look amazing and I am glad you posted about how great clay is...I can't wait until we finally nail down sometime to get together so i can meet clay...